.NET 5 is coming | 1 framework for every application

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.NET 5 is coming | 1 framework for every application

Microsoft is not standing still with their framework ASP.NET Core and the newer compilation name .NET 5. In this blog post, read a summary of what's going to change in the new update coming soon!

.NET 5 is the latest iteration in the long line of ASP.NET Core, started in 2016 with their launch of 1.0. And now .NET 5.0 is coming up for release. As Windows hosters, we at MyHostingPartner have come a long way back with ASP.NET and Microsoft's other establishments. Even with this latest development in the .NET field, we are again very excited what is going to change and improve again.

What Microsoft is planning is to gradually pull it all together, an environment in which to develop and a framework that can be used for any application and on any device. This makes it an interesting picture of the future in which mainly developers and ultimately the consumer will benefit.

Let's start with what has changed in the latest update coming up!

The latest version update is a preview build and will therefore not be immediately available for use. When the Long Term support build is available we will make it available for use almost immediately. This LTS or Long term support build will not be there until after November 2020. Or in .NET 6.0. Where all the functionality will be merged and polished.

If you want to try out .NET 5.0 locally already, it can be installed with the link at the bottom of this article. This will require Visual Studio 2019 16.6 or later to run.

What has changed in the .NET 5.0 preview?

In this version of .NET 5.0, the following things have been revamped and improved / extended.

  • C# 9 and F# 5 are available to use
  • Perfomance has been improved
  • Windows forms are available within .NET 5
  • Windows ARM64 is now supported native
  • ARM64 performance has been greatly improved
  • Improved tiered compilation performance
  • Improved migration from NewtonSoft.Json to System.Text.Json, delivering better performance.
  • Making open source projects more available to the community

Where the main points lie is in improving even more the performance that is performed. The results we are already seeing with .NET Core 3.0 sites on our servers are so good that we are looking forward to improving them even more. For the fastest hosting for .NET you should really try one of our ASP.NET hosting packages and be amazed by the speed and features!

The name changes

With all the different version numbers, names and confusion for laymen as to which version is the current one. Microsoft recognizes this and is going to merge the name of ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core and now talk about .NET simply. So where .NET 5.0 preview 4 becomes the latest version.

Full stop, this would also be ASP.NET Core 5.0 preview 4, hence the move of the product name is now moved to .NET therefore. To make this a little easier. Pronounced "dot net".

.NET 5.0 and the upcoming .NET 6 release

In .NET 5.0 again a lot of things have been tackled and improved, do you want to listen to the full article and also the podcast for all the changes? Then check out Microsoft's blog for the full version writeup.

Find it here:

Devblog from Microsoft

The changes being made are on the same level as the earlier larger releases of ASP.NET Core 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. With these many changes the focus is mainly put on the focus of developers on 1 platform. From one development environment websites can be launched, but also applications for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and IOS. All as fast as possible and often with better performance than native solutions.

The focus of Microsoft with .NET is to make it easier for developers by providing more tools and faster work. They also put their stamp in the blog post on the uncertain times for many, with the pandemic and many jobs lost in the process. For these reasons they have also decided to make the features available now in this preview rather than waiting longer for .NET 6.0.

They also want to emphasize the community's feedback for the further development of .NET. Now that it is an open source project and worked on by many, this is easier than ever to see code and roadmaps better. Furthermore, they are also more active on GitHub than ever where further discussion and roadmaps can also be seen. With feedback from the community or anyone working with .NET, bigger steps can also be taken than when this is not present. So if you have something to share, we certainly recommend that you do so on Microsoft's platform.

What features do you most want to see in the upcoming .NET 5.0?